The military wives married to soldiers from their ethnic groups are equally vital because they must have had cause to have lived with their soldiers in different parts of the country and the world. This makes them acquire many experiences, socialize, and make new friends. It also impacts the kids they raise by giving them a broader and more tolerant view of people from different tribes.
With all the past and present clamor for National Unity, the military wife plays a vital role in achieving this. This is because she has a lot of friends cutting across different cultures, tribes, and climes. This makes the soldier’s wife an AMBASSADOR of NATIONAL UNITY.
Most people worry about moving from place to place every few years and wonder how it will affect their military kids. Still, the value of experiencing different people and various cultures far outweighs the frustration of moving.

Adaptability and accepting others
Suppose a soldier’s kid is raised in different states and attends other schools. In that case, he will surely know how to adapt to new situations, learn new lessons, and even learn languages. This skill will serve him throughout life. Moreover, he readily accepts others because he has traveled widely and mingled with different people.
They are always more confident and brilliant than their mates and know how to face new adventures with a brave face. Being confident also means they will be good at public speaking.
Unique experiences and memories
They always have the best stories to share with friends. Many teachers say they are the most exciting people in the class.
Broad world view
They always know how big the world is, speak other languages, and eat more amazing foods than most kids their age. My soldier was a military kid. He speaks almost all the languages of different tribes in Nigeria so fluently that people don’t know where he hails from.
I’m grateful to God for the experiences my military kids and I have had in my soldier’s career in the military.

Want more on the soldiers’ wife lifestyle?
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Your Comment Here…wow…
Thank you.
This is intresting and comforting. I may have not married a solder but this views and fear i have heard from so many men and women across my country. Its intresting to know and gear from an experienced solders wife. I encourage people as wrel not yo be afriad of miving out of their comfort zone and taking the bold step as this is a great adventure and exploration in itself.
It is indeed!.Thanks.
Intertribal marriage is good and fosters unity. The only little issue is the couple trying to adjust and accommodate each other’s differences like which language will the children speak or the type of native food they will be eating.Aside these , it’s fun and adventurous
Yes, you are right but most couples don’t always have such issues and in my own opinion,I think it would be best for the kids to speak the parents languages and also eat their dishes.